So the past couple of months have been......eventful I guess is the right way to put it. The job hunt is still as difficult as ever, although it would help If I had time to hunt for it and had a portfolio to be proud of and when I say proud I mean have a lot more than just a few average animations and designs so that is why with every spare moment I have I will be doing animations for the 11second club competition each month. I did last month's however I wasn't able to complete it but you can see the progress I made on my youtube channel and on the 11second club website wherever it maybe.
My training for Tough Mudder and the Glasgow Half Marathon have dwindled a bit as well. I am still going to do both of them even if it is going be hard it's still for things bigger than me.
So yeah just a wee update for ya.
God bless and see you in the future.